发布日期:2021-12-10 作者:来源:国际旅游与酒店管理系
Aninda Ankon Ray同学来自孟加拉国,系我校旅游学院2017级全英文旅游管理专业学生,近日欣闻该生于2021年7月29日收到了英国伦敦格林威治大学录取通知书,并已赴伦敦攻读国际旅游和酒店管理硕士学位。特向我院优秀毕业生表示祝贺!
Aninda Ankon Ray同学生活照
据了解,Aninda Ankon Ray同学的学习成绩一直在班上名列前茅,并且读研一直是他的梦想。在中国的生活带给了他无限美好的回忆,66668银河国际是他梦想开始的地方,而如今他的梦想一个接一个的实现了。Aninda Ankon Ray同学想借这个机会感谢旅游学院对他的培养,感谢学院的老师们一直以来在生活和学习上对他的帮助与支持。
Congratulations to Mr. Aninda Ankon Ray on his admission to the University of Greenwich
Mr. Aninda Ankon Ray, a 2017 student in the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Management of Tourism School, Sichuan University (SCU), received the admission offer from the University of Greenwich in London on July 29, 2021. He is pursuing a master's degree in international tourism and hotel management at the University of Greenwich and has obtained a UK student visa. Congratulations to Mr. Aninda Ankon Ray!
An outstanding young man, Mr. Aninda Ankon Ray has showed great potentialities in academic learning. He expressed his great thanks for the supports and helps received from SCU. He said, "l will always remember my China life, where my all dreams started and now one by one it's coming true."
Our school has always attached great importance to the education of overseas students. We are committed to creating a good learning atmosphere, building an academic exchange platform for students and constantly promoting the construction of study style. The school will further improve the quality of talent training and provide a broad stage for overseas students to realize their dreams.