凝新聚力 踏步向前——旅游学院国际旅游与酒店管理系召开2023年春季学期教学工作会议(国际旅游与管理教研室第二期)

发布日期:2023-03-13 作者:管理员来源:

凝新聚力 踏步向前——旅游学院国际旅游与酒店管理系召开2023春季学期教学工作会议






Gathering heart and strength to step forward – conference for the teaching plan of spring semester of 2023


The Department of International Tourism and Hotel Management of the Tourism School held an meeting on the afternoon of April 10, 2023, all staff and teaching assistants of our department attended.


During this meeting, we first summarized the management work of the previous semester, including system construction, teaching and educational administration work, student management work, etc., and then sorted out and clarified the focus of the international student management work of this year, laying a good foundation for the smooth development of various work in the new semester.


The dean of the department made several important tips for the deployment of the next stage of work. In terms of student management, we should pay attention to the physical and mental conditions of international students, grasp the information of international students dynamically, and do a good job in the positive ideological guidance of international students. Strengthen publicity and guidance, in class meetings and collective activities, guide international students to tree firmly and consciously practice the concept of "health first". In terms of teaching management, do a good job in the connection of online to offline teaching, strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, and prepare for the full resumption of offline teaching in the next semester. In terms of enrollment work, the enrollment of foreign students in 2023 has officially kicked off, and will be carried out in an orderly manner with the active cooperation of all teachers and teaching assistants.


In order to actively respond to the new requirements and challenges under the new situation, all the teachers of the Department of International Tourism and Hotel Management of the School of Tourism have pooled their efforts to straighten out the system and mechanism from the ideological, institutional and methodological aspects, so as to overcome difficulties, innovate and develop, strengthen school-running capacity construction, and shape the international reputation of international students' education.