2015年第二期International Journal of Tourism Anthropology出版(Vol. 4 , No.2)

发布日期:2015-07-06 作者:管理员来源:


 据悉,由我院旅游与景观学系程励教授担任主编的全英文国际学术季刊International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 2015年第二期Vol. 4 , No.2已经在英国正式出版。本期主题为Emergent Integrative Research Strategies Within Tourism Studies,本期客座编辑为来自美国Santa Clara大学人类学系的Gregory Gullette博士。本期作者分别来自美国、阿根廷、瑞士、墨西哥、比利时。
The media or the message? An examination of myths as resources to understand the tourism phenomenon
      Author: Maximiliano E. Korstanje; Babu P. George
      Addresses: Department of Economics, University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Swiss Management Centre, SMC University, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract: The present paper discusses the histories of tourism knowledge. The authors argue that tourist travel should be considered in the perspective of broader institutions enrooted into the mythical structures of cultures. The inadequacies of some of the previous attempts to understand tourism from various methodological perspectives are noted. Then, myths are introduced as offering alternate explanations of the tourism phenomenon. Myths have two pronged advantages in understanding tourism: they contain our collective historical understanding about tourism; also, they are a methodological solution to tap into the wealth of tourism knowledge hidden in expressive artefacts. These claims are verified by presenting and analysing a sample of well-known myths.
Spring break's social impacts and residents' attitudes in Cancun, Mexico: a qualitative approach
      Author: J. Carlos Monterrubio; Bharath M. Josiam; A. Pricila Sosa
 Addresses: Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Texcoco, Mexico 56259, Mexico; University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203, USA; Universidad del Caribe, Cancún, Quintana Roo 77528, Mexico
Abstract: Social impacts of tourism and local attitudes have been primarily explored through quantitative methods and without the intention to test existing theory. Although some studies have adopted qualitative approaches, the potential value of interpretative methods in the analysis of local attitudes still remains largely unknown. This study aims to test the applicability of extant theory (Doxey's model) on the basis of qualitative methods for the study of tourism impacts and local attitudes. It adopts a qualitative perspective and analyses the perceived social effects and local residents' attitudes of Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico. In addition, it adopts Doxey's index for tourist irritation as a theoretical framework. It was found that spring break's economic benefits only accrue to very specific organisations; that there is a local feeling of discrimination due to differentiated treatment of spring breakers and locals; and that levels of alcohol consumption among locals increase during the spring break season. Methodologically speaking, the main contribution of this study lies in the way in which qualitative methods combine with theoretical models on tourism social impacts to uncover the cognitive, affective and conative components of residents' attitudes, something that would have been difficult to capture using quantitative methods.
'Isn't that too much data?!' Incorporating surveys into heritage tourism research design
      Author: Ann Reed
 Address: Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, 236 Centennial Drive Stop 8374, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8374, USA
Abstract: Survey research is an underutilised methodology in anthropology that could be quite useful in understanding how people find meaning in travel and tourism. This article foregrounds the use of surveys in conjunction with more established ethnographic techniques of participant-observation and interviewing. The author argues that using only ethnographic approaches runs the risk of reinforcing the dominant discourses found in public events and in interviews with key informants, whereas surveys can give voice to the voiceless and bring to light important details that would otherwise remain obscured from view. Significant features of two surveys used for research on Ghana's slavery heritage tourism are discussed in order to demonstrate exactly how surveys can be beneficial in tracking how widespread particular beliefs are, and in identifying how survey data can help to correct the taken-for-granted assumptions of ethnographers.
Tourism in the Anthropocene Park? New analytic possibilities
      Author: Amelia Moore
 Address: Department of Anthropology, Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami, USA
Abstract: As one of the largest industries in the world, tourism is subject to constant reinvention. Anthropological engagements with tourism reflect this multiplicity through an attention to the dynamics of culture and power within the tourism industry at both global and local levels. As tourism scholars we must be on the lookout for trends in travel and destination dynamics, and we must craft conceptual tools to analyse emergent trends. In this article, I outline a broad theme in travel design and branding - sustainable tourism - and I relate this theme to an emergent framing for global change - the Anthropocene. This concept has moved from the realm of the natural sciences, beginning to gain traction within the humanities and social sciences. In light of the spread of this idea, I utilise concepts from critical studies of nature and design to point towards possible new research areas for scholars of tourism.
Tasting Indonesia: cosmopolitanism in culinary tourism
      Author: Intan Febriani
 Address: Cultures and Development Programme (CADES), Faculty of Social Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Parkstraat 45, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Abstract: Drawing on the practice of 'underground secret dining' in Jakarta, Indonesia, this paper attempts to examine culinary tourism as a way of enacting cosmopolitanism. What images of otherness in culinary tourism are effective in enticing cosmopolitan domestic tourists? What do these local cuisines represent for these tourists? While being cosmopolitans, domestic tourists are reaffirming their identity of Indonesian-ness. This affirmation is achieved by juxtaposing Indonesian with Western identities but also by gazing at Indonesia through the Western lens. The revival of interest on Indonesian culinary is not simply a reaction to Westernisation but rather an expression of desiring an Indonesia beyond the image that has long been presented and underrepresented by the state.
Book Review: Writing the Dark Side of Travel by: Jonathan Skinner (Ed.) publisher: Berghan Books Inc. Brooklyn NY, 2012, USA
Reviewed by Maximiliano E. Korstanje
关于IJTA :
IJTA 编委由Erik CohenJafar JafariGeoffrey Wall 40位国际一流知名旅游学者组成,他们不仅参与IJTA的审稿,也亲自投稿,所有论文均按照国际规范进行国际同行匿名评审,没有任何形式的版面费。2013年,程励教授在与汤森路透负责Web of Science的副总裁James Testa 博士进行了当面的期刊运作汇报后,James Testa 评价IJTA已逐渐成为世界级的专业期刊。据悉,IJTA 已经被列入66668银河国际人文社科国际期刊重点资助对象IJTA目前已经被16种国际数据库检索,已经初步具有一定的国际影响力,IJTA正在向着被SSCI检索的目标稳步前进。
截止目前,IJTA 中发表的论文已经被如下国际著名SSCI or SCI期刊中的论文引用: Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Tourism Geographies, Journal of Anthropological Research, Anthropological Quarterly, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing, Environmental Management, International Journal of Intangible Heritage, Island Studies Journal, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Applied Geography, Current Issues in Tourism, Environmental Communication A Journal of Nature and Culture, Progress in Development Studies,Simulation Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation Internationa, Sustainability, Zygon. International Journal of Hospitality Management
ISSN online: 1759-0450
ISSN print: 1759-0442
